CHANGE • BELIEVEKukel International Group Ltd; is a Hong Kong registered company in research, development of high technology products. The company product line includes Porcelain - Energy Heat Faucet, Hot shower and Water heating system.
Kukel is the first company to invent the Porcelain - Energy Technology ™ into faucet products.
Kukel has registered our own patents on technology innovation in worldwide market. Kukel also contributes substantially at the technology development in the water heater industry by forming some national standards of imaging products.
Kukel aims is to change people to believe the new innovative application “Porcelain-Energy Technology™“ can helps people to save money in their daily life. Kukel had invented the world smallest heater by using Porcelain and integrate inside the Faucet / Hot Shower and Water Heater which makes the water HOT instantly. Kukel’s application use single phase electricity, no need to connect to the hot water pipe, no water storage and electricity only applies when hot water is needed. The water temperature can be change according to your usage; it definitely changed the traditional way to heat up the water.
Kukel Instantaneous water heater is also very different (unique) compare to old traditional water heater because you can install Kukel’s products individually. Each water outlet can apply our product separately, no need to wait for hot water from one end to the other. Save tremendous amount of water inside the water pipe.
Kukel can ensure a Green, sustainable, healthy and energy efficiency environment for consumers to improve their quality of life.
@2025 KUKEL International Group Limited. All Rights Reversed.